L to R John Olson, Elaine Hale, Riley Auge (front), Marsha Small
Tessa Switzer and John Olson
Evalyn Johnson with Project Archaeology teachers
Evalyn Johnson with Project Archaeology teachers.
Tessa Switzer
Evalyn Johnson
Evalyn Johnson
Our last day in the field was a cold one. l to r, Crystal Alegria, Julia Strehlau-Jacobs, John Olson
Project photos
The team at the Bale of Hay Saloon in Virginia City after a hard day in the field. l to r: Tessa Switzer, Bekah Shields, Marsha Fulton, Jon Olson, Elaine Hale.
the Nevada City Cemetery looking SW.
Tessa woking on a gravesite
The McDonald Family plot
an old pocket watch found outside the fence
an old pocket watch found outside the fence
Project hand drawn map of cemetery
a rare wooden fence survives to suround a grave at the cemetery