Recorder Information
- Recorder Name: JO & MF, Julie Albertson/ Elly Summers
- Date Recorded: August 6th, 2014
- Time Recorded: 09:02 AM
Grave Location
This marker has 1 inscribed surface.
- Ethnicitiy: n/a
Dimensions & Measurements
- Grave Length: 80 inches
- Grave Width: 60 inches
- Base Width: 8 inches
Grave Marker Info
- Marker ID: 1C3
- Grave Condition: Illegible
- Marker Orientation: ⇐ West
- Footstone Inscription: none
- Type of Stone: Sandstone, Limestone, Granite, Basalt
- Type of Masonry: n/a
- Type of Metal: n/a
- Style of Grave Marker: Rock
- Stonecutter Name: n/a
- Stonecutter City: n/a
- Location of Stonecutter's Mark: n/a
Grave Enclosure
- Vegetation: Other
- Other Vegetation: Prickly Pear
Grave Marker Condition
- Erosion Condition: Pristine
- Sinking/Titled Condition: Mild
- Exfoliation Condition: Mild
- Delamination Condition: Mild
- Voids/Losses Condition: Pristine
- Staining Condition: Pristine
- Moss/Lichen Condition: Heavy
- Broken Pieces: 0
- Causes of Condition: Settling, Weathering, Vegetation
Prickly PEar purposely planted?
looks very wide - wide enough to have 2 people in the space?
Headstone to next Headstone 7'3"