Girtrude Bottcher
Biographical Data
"Bottcher, Gertrude[sic] - born about 1837 in Prussia - January 30, 1903 at the age of 66 years of age, coming to the united states in 1857, she was previously married to Mr. tnman having a daughter by him, that daughter took the Bottcher name and died prior to her mother. Gertrude[sic] married Fredrick Bottcher 2nd in 1862, they were mamed 38 years having 4 more children who all died by the 1900 census. (Virginia oty Library Archive Obituary, Madisonian Febmary 5, 1903; Cemetery Section 1, Row A. Lot 2 with their dates in error, stone read by Townshend. Ren)"[marker ID no longer valid]
"Bottcher, the daughter of Inman - She aparently died before 1900, her father was Mr. Inman, but she took the name of Bottcher after her mother Gertrude married Fredrick Bottcher. According to the mothers Obituary her grave is next to the mother. (Madisonian Febmary 5, 1903; this grave is not listed in cemetery records, and is unmarked)"
For current grave location, refer to marker ID number below.
Recorder Information
- Recorder Name: JO & MF, Rodney Richard and Ginger Ratzlaff
- Date Recorded: August 6th, 2014
- Time Recorded: 09:03 AM
Grave Location
- Girtrude Bottcher Died: 1/30/1903
This marker has 1 inscribed surface.
- Surface #1: Girtrude; Bottcher; Died; Jan 30, 1903; aged; 66 year
- Gender(s): Female
- Ethnicitiy: n/a
Dimensions & Measurements
- Grave Length: 120 inches
- Grave Width: 72 inches
- Marker Width: 14 inches
- Marker Height: 16 inches
- Marker Thickness: 4 inches
- Base Width: 6 inches
- Base Thickness: 13 inches
Grave Marker Info
- Marker ID: 1A2
- Grave Condition: Clear but worn
- Marker Orientation: ⇒ East
- Footstone Inscription: (Present, but illegible or no inscription.)
- Type of Stone: Granite
- Type of Masonry: n/a
- Type of Metal: n/a
- Style of Grave Marker: Die on Base
- Marker Symbols: Other
- Other Marker Symbols: Roman B Text with design
- Stonecutter Name: n/a
- Stonecutter City: n/a
- Location of Stonecutter's Mark: n/a
Grave Enclosure
- Style of Enclosure: None
Grave Marker Condition
- Erosion Condition: Mild
- Sinking/Titled Condition: Mild
- Exfoliation Condition: Pristine
- Delamination Condition: Pristine
- Voids/Losses Condition: Pristine
- Staining Condition: Pristine
- Moss/Lichen Condition: Pristine
- Broken Pieces: 0
- Causes of Condition: Settling
2 inches of left hand corner is missing, the cement from the main and back
the right side of the base is 5.5' below the left side ground level
footstone is precariouly replaced into a slight hole in the ground at an angle spotted knapweed located at foot and between neighboring graves